*DO NOT book for children 10 or under on our booking site, please email us*
We would like to share some very important information for when you bring your child in to have their ears pierced. We want your child and you to have the best possible experience . We realize the anxiety children may have, parents too with the fact there is some pain involved. This is why we will only do tandem piercings on children 7-10 years of age, no exceptions. This is where we have 2 piercers, one to do the left ear and the other to do the right ear at the same time. After many years of providing this service we have no doubt this is best for young children.
We understand this is a big deal for children and parents and many people want to share the experience with family and friends. Please understand however that this is a very precise procedure done by experienced professionals that need an environment that is as calm and focused as possible so they can serve you best. Please only bring the people that are vital. We will only allow one person (the parent/guardian) in the room when the piercing is being performed. We will not allow other children in the piercing room under any circumstances, if an accompanying child must be present in the studio there must be a responsible adult to attend to them. We love children but a body art studio is not conducive with unattended children. We want to continue to provide this service to our community but can only do so if we can sustain a professional environment for clients and staff. Thank you very much for your cooperation.